CHARIS - The Training Company
Approved Courses for Quality, Risk, Auditing and Allied Professionals
Quality Management
Meeting the requirements of customers and stakeholders is the primary goal of organisations. There is a science to achieving this goal consistently and with distinction. This is the basis for the field of quality management. We deliver a number of courses to help organisations and individual employees develop, maintain and improve the quality management systems of any organisation.
In 1 fully engaging day. Gain the foundation understanding of Quality Management Systems and how ISO 9001:2015 enables organisations to effectively manage for quality and consistency. Everyone that plays a role in an organisation that operates to the requirements of ISO 9001 will benefit from attending this course.
For the people that will play a greater role in the QMS; especially as a member of the internal audit team. This fully engaging 2 -day course develops the knowledge and skills required to asses the effectiveness of and recommend improvements to the QMS.
This course is for personnel that are responsible for leading internal audit teams or persons that will carry out audits for second party and third party organisations including accredited certification bodies. CQI/IRCA accreditation of this 5 day course makes it acceptable world wide as valid Lead Auditor Training