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The 3 TED Talks everyone in Quality must see.

Getting TED speeches that talk about quality are not as easy as you may think. This is a challenge to the leading quality thinkers to get the message unto TED and every forum possible. However, many things are allied to quality that have been discussed on TED talks. We have selected our top 3 that pass across the message of ‘quality thinking’, do enjoy them.

R.A. Mashelkar: Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products- This engineer shares examples of the innovation challenge India is providing the world. Making more, for less, for more and more people. Vehicles, medicines and prosthetics that are ultra-low cost relative to the market leaders. The ultra-low solutions will appeal to the mass market and if what happened with televisions and technology and the shift of all it’s manufacturing from

the USA to Japan, such that there was only one manufacturer left in the US by the 1990’s; as these products become optimised and improved for quality- a similar fate awaits organisations and countries that are not equipped to rise to this challenge.

Olivier Scalabre: The next manufacturing revolution is here. Industrial systems thinker- Olivier talks about a new manufacturing revolution that should prick the ears of every person currently involved in manufacturing at any level. Though the realities of his thinking might take some time to come to full fruition, the factors he identifies should lead the thinking of quality professionals especially in the design and optimisation of manufacturing and service processes.

Elon Musk: The Future we are building- and boring- Design Architect and CEO of Tesla- Musk unveils the future of decongestion of road transport using tunnels. He also talks about self-driving cars and getting people on Mars.


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