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Why You Should Manage Your Occupational Health and Safety System With ISO 45001!

If you take your occupational health and safety responsibilities seriously, then it makes sense that you would do everything possible to ensure that you were using the most up to date OH&S management system.

In this day and age, where companies are being held more responsible for all aspects of their business, you need an OH&S management system that covers your business altogether. It’s also a highly competitive market out there and being competitive is absolutely necessary to ensure that your business continues to thrive and not fail.

One of the increasing costs associated with any business is workplace injuries and health management. Even the smallest claim can soon spiral out of control and up costing thousands of pounds in lost time, medical expenses and revenue. To combat these, you put an OH&S management system in place. You then establish different policies, procedures and arrangements to help reduce the cause of your injuries and prevent further workplace accidents. You train your staff and then you sit back and pat yourself on the back for a job well done....

….This is all sounds great, but once you have all these procedures and systems and training programs in place, how do you continually ensure that they’re working? That is where ISO 45001 comes into play. The ISO 45001 management system will give your entire OH&S management system structure, discipline, and continual improvement. It creates a system of internal audits as well as annual external verifications, an establishes reviews especially at management level.

Audits, both internal and external, allow your company to evaluate the effectiveness of the management system that it has in place. When you put an OH&S procedure in place, you often don’t realise that it is failing until it’s too late. An ISO 45001 compliant management system will allow you to get to prevent accidents and injuries before they happen. It will also show you where you’re failing or succeeding in your current OH&S management.

An ISO 45001 compliant OH&S management system will:

  • Give you an increased awareness of the health and safety risks concerning your company

  • Help you develop policies, procedures, and safety objectives

  • Encourage workers to play an active role in OH&S issues, risks, and hazards

  • Provide you with both internal and external audits to help you understand if your OH&S system is working like it’s supposed to.

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